
i've become increasingly obsessed with black and white, smoking, fashion, city photographs. I blame scotch & soda for inspiring my photography portfolios. the theme shall be time travel... i get more and more excited every day.i love the olsen twins, i have ever since i was young. i used to get my hair cut like theirs', plan growing up to be just like them, learn about eating disorders just so i would know what was up with MK, watch their movies on repeat, basically just idolise them. they went off the rails and began to separate but that did cease the obsession that may have faded, but was never completely erased. i was peeping my friend marcus' blog and saw this photo of i assume is MK (or A, who am i kidding - i have zero clue) and decided this blog post was in order. i have become increasingly disgusted with the look of capital letters. something i remember i used to love in primary school. i would write every letter a capital. but it looks more genuine when every letter is lower case... i'm sure i will change my mind in a few minutes about the look of upper case letters (probs when i finish my english assignment). after spending the whole day reading, and visualising my day tomorrow going to x2 rehearsals and getting out of the house, i feel quite content with the way everything is.

that is all. 

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